

Attio is perfect for small Fund teams with no dedicated Admin. Perfect for a Funds first CRM and visually pleasing too!

Attio overview for Funds

The CRM for people that hate CRMs. Attio is a radically new type of CRM that is real-time, entirely customizable and intuitively collaborative.

Simple to set up for a small fund and they have just released Attio Automations making it more scalable.

You can also use Attio to create custom options (something you cant do in many other CRMs) for example you could build a custom object. Why would you want to do that I hear you ask? Lets say you contacted a Outsourced Chief Investment Officer who introduced you to a familly office they work with. The family office invests in your fund (hurray 🥳). Now in a traditional system the Outsourced CIO would simply be a contact but imagine if you had a special object for “Capital Influencers” - people who work with multiple funds - you can then target them with specific outreach and invites and spend time making them an evangalist for your fund. Next thing you know you’ve raised too much cash!

Key Features

  • built by a VC for VCs
  • very flexable format for your unique use case
  • integrates with calendar and email
  • has inbuild automation

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